Complaint Board

Annexure- B

Formats for investors complaints data to be disclosed monthly by RAs on their website/mobile application: As per SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II CIS/P/CIR/2021/0685 | Dated: December 13, 2021

Data for the month ending­ Feb, 2025

Sr. No


Received fromPending at the end of last monthReceivedResolved*Total Pending#

Pending complaints

> 3months

Average Resolution time^

(in days)

1Directly from Investors00000NA
3Other Sources (if any)00000NA
 Grand Total11000NA

Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Trend of Monthly disposal of complaints

Sr. NoMonthCarried forward from previous monthReceivedResolved*Pending#
1April, 20230000
2May, 20230000
3June, 20230000
4July, 20230000
5August, 20230000
6September, 20230000
7October, 20230000
8November, 20230000
9December, 20230000
10January, 20240000
11February 20240000
12March 2024000 
13April, 20240000
14May, 20240000
15June, 20240000
16July, 20240202
17August, 20242020
18September, 20240000
19October, 20240110
20November, 20240000
21December, 20240606
22January, 20256161

*(Last Updated on 15th Feb, 2025) 

*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.

#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the month.

Trend of Annual disposal of complaints

SNYearCarried  forward from previous yearReceivedResolved*Pending#
 Grand Total220


*Inclusive of complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.

#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the year.

  1. Subscriber/Users can seek clarification of their query and are further entitled to make a complaint in writing, orally or telephonically. An email may be sent to the Research Analyst, Alternatively, the Subscriber/Users may call our Helpline Number: +91 9654124421.
  2. A letter may also be written with their query/complaint and posted at below mentioned address:

Vighnahara Investment Solutions

A-101, Lohia Nagar, Ghaziabad

Uttar Pradesh, 201001

  1. Subscriber/Users may write to the Research Analyst at If the Subscriber/Users does not receive a response within 10 business days of writing to the subscriber/users servicing team, then can scale their complaint to the Research Analyst at The Subscriber/Users can expect a reply within 10 business days of approaching the Research Analyst.
  2. In case you are not satisfied with our response, you can lodge your grievance with SEBI at or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI. For any query, feedback, or assistance, please contact the SEBI office on toll-free Helpline at 1800 266 7575. SEBI Registered Research Analyst Registration No. INH100005419